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Solid trade union recruits and represents members based in the North West region of England.  We mainly focus our membership on workers who are directly employed and categorised as employees rather than those classed as self-employed/contractors.  The aim of the trade union is to build collective strength in order to improve members’ terms and conditions whilst constantly pursuing safer and more equitable working environments.

Although our preference is to pursue issues on a collective basis, we understand the importance of supporting our members on individual matters.  We offer comprehensive employment advice on matters such as equality, health and safety, contracts, redundancy, unfair dismissal, trade union rights etc.  We support members with individual representation at disciplinary and grievance hearings assisting with any preparation.  Legal assistance is offered on a discretionary basis and is dependent on the trade union assessment on the prospects of success.    


Solid trade union believes in democracy...

and will always try to ensure the members are involved in all decision-making processes.

We aim to minimise membership fees as much as possible from the outset and we believe that fees should reflect the service provided.  This means we adopt a 'pay as you go' type approach were we increase subscriptions based on the level of work the trade union does or improvements to terms and conditions we achieve for the members. 

We believe that industrial action is a tool for challenging the imbalance of power in the employment relationship.  We will always look to resolve any trade dispute informally and in an efficient manner.  However, where agreement cannot be reached, we will look to take industrial action in accordance with legislation.  


Actively Empowering Workers

Please feel free to get in touch

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